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Minecraft: The Nether (Minecraft Review #7)

Writer's picture: William CihulaWilliam Cihula

The Nether is the last place you want to be without the proper gear. The Nether is a fiery dimension. There is lava and fire everywhere. To get to the Nether, you will need 14 obsidian and one flint and steel. Obsidian is obtained by pouring water over lava and mining it with a diamond pickaxe. Build it as shown: 5 by 4. When you get to the Nether, bring a chest and a bed. Put your stuff in the chest and the bed far away. Sleep in the bed. I dare you. (The bed blows up).

Let's start with the first of the five Nether biomes. The first is the Nether Wastes. This biome is very true to the name, as pretty much all there is is lava, fire, and netherrack. Netherrack is the stone of the Nether. You will see zombified piglins. They're pink and skeletal and wield golden swords. If attacked, they will all attack you. You will also see piglins. A less zombie version of the zombified piglin. Piglins wield golden swords or crossbows, sometimes gold armor. They will attack you on sight unless you are wearing any piece of gold armor. If you give them gold ingots, they will give you something in return. This is called bartering.

The next biome we will explore is the basalt delta. This biome is the worst for beginners. It is also where even pro Minecraft players go to die. There is lava, magma, bassalt, and blackstone everywhere. Blackstone can be made into various decorative blocks. Magma cubes are also everywhere. Magma cubes, when killed, will split into smaller ones. They also have high knockback and are resistant to fire and fall damage. This biome makes your bad day ten times worse.

The third biome. Number 2 on the list of terrible places to go. In case you're wondering, the basalt delta is number 1. This biome is the soul sand valley. Full of soul sand which makes you go slower and soul soil. You can also find bones. Skeletons are everywhere in this biome. You can also find basalt pillars here. If you set fire on soul sand or soul soil, it will make it soul fire. Soul fire lasts longer when you step in it.

This biome is quite interesting. It is the warped forest. Warped because there are enderman. In case you didn't know, endermen teleport, or warp. The ground is made up of warped nyleum (I think that's how you spell it). There is also warped fungus, which can be bonemealed to grow into a tree, warped trees, warped roots, and nether sprouts. Warped trees are made of warped stems, which can be made into warped planks, and warped warts (the leaves). Shroomlights will also spawn on warped trees. Endermen are everywhere.

The final biome. Equally as dangerous. The crimson forest. Like a warped forest, but red. Hoglins spawn instead of piglins. Piglins also love this biome.

Structures: There are three Nether structures. The bastion remnant, the Nether fortress, and the ruined portal.

We start with the ruined portal. Ruined portals also spawn in the Overworld. Ruined portals are broken Nether portals. Ruined portals have chests with loot. There's not that much to ruined portals, so we move on.

This structure is extremely dangerous. Sometimes worse than basalt deltas. This structure is the bastion remnant. Bastions are ruined structures that are very dangerous. Bastions can spawn in any biome. Bastions have lots of piglins, piglin brutes, and sometimes magma cubes.

Joke: what do you call a magma cube^3? Magma cubed.

'crickets chirping'

Anyway, back to the bastion remnant. Piglin brutes are piglins that are very strong. Piglin brutes have 20 hearts (40 health) and deal 5 hearts (10 health) to an armored player (iron armor). Piglin brutes wield gold axes and attack players on sight.

In addition to mobs, bastions have lots of loot, including sometimes ancient debris. Check out the review called Minecraft: Nether Mining for OP Stuff.

We move on to the Nether fortress. The final structure. Nether fortresses are the key to beating the game. Check out the review called Minecraft: The End to learn more about that. Anyway, Nether fortresses are fortresses made of Nether brick. There are two new mobs in Nether fortresses.

First is the wither skeleton. Wither skeletons are tall, black skeletons with stone swords. When they hit you, you will get the wither effect. Wither does damage until the effect is over. When you are withered, your hearts turn black. Wither skeletons drop coal, bones, and their swords. Wither skeletons will rarely drop their skulls. Check out the review called Minecraft: The Wither to learn more about withers and wither skulls.

The next and final new mob is the blaze. Blazes are essentially floating fire. Blazes are floating heads with orange rods floating around them. When attacking, they shoot fireballs. When killed, they drop blaze rods. Blaze rods can be used for Eyes of Ender, which you can learn more about in Minecraft: The End. Blaze rods can also be used for brewing. You can learn more about brewing in the review Minecraft: Brewing Potions.

Blazes will spawn anywhere in Nether fortresses and in blaze spawners, which you can find in Nether fortresses. Nether wart farms can be found in Nether fortresses. Nether wart can be used for brewing, which you can learn more about in Minecraft: Brewing Potions.

This pretty much concludes this review, so subscribe to the site and check out the other Minecraft reviews.

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