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Minecraft: The Outer Islands of the End (Minecraft Review #10)

Writer's picture: William CihulaWilliam Cihula

We left off at the End Gateway. Make a staircase up to it. Throw an Ender pearl into it. You will be teleported to the Outer Islands. Above you is the gateway back to the Main Island where you fought the Ender Dragon.

You will see strange twisty purple things. These are chorus plants. (No, they don't sing.) Break the tips of them to get a chorus flower which you can grow more plants with. Break the stem to get chorus fruit, which will randomly teleport you when you eat it. (Hopefully not off the edge of the island.)

If you're lucky, you may see a giant purple structure with lots of towers. End Cities are made of purpur blocks and end bricks. Purpur comes in a few forms: pillars, stairs, and slabs. End bricks can be made with end stone. There are also end rods. End rods are white sticks that give off light. If you're not lucky, you will have to look for one. These are End Cities. End Cities are home to purple cubes that open and close called shulkers. Shulkers make the noise: blablalab. (Definitely an accurate shulker imitation.) They will shoot projectiles that give you the levitation effect. Levitation levitates you. (Of course!)

If you make your way up the End City, you may find loot. The loot in End Cities is very good, usually including enchanted diamond gear. If you are lucky enough, this End City may have a floating ship. These ships are rare. End ships have some amazing things in them. At the front of the ship is an Ender Dragon head. Inside is a brewing stand with 2 healing potions. There are also 2 chests and an item frame. In the item frame is an Elytra. (El-iy-tra, I think) Elytra gives you the ability to fly. It takes some practice though.

To use your Elytra, jump in mid-air to activate it. Look where you want to go. You need to boost yourself with fireworks to keep yourself in the air. Land by doing a 360 right above the ground and land.

If you want to go back home or the Main Island, go to the End Gateway and throw an Ender pearl into it. You will be back at the Main Island. Jump in the portal in the bedrock structure at the middle of the island to go home. You will be at your spawnpoint.

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