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This Game is HARD!

Writer's picture: DeveloperDanDeveloperDan

There is a game called The Hardest Game on Earth. Needless to say, the game lives up to it's name. I spent like 20 minutes on the FIRST LEVEL! The first level is supposed to be EASY! And it was, compared to the other levels.

After half an hour of gameplay, I was only on level four. The tricky movement in this top-down timing game makes it super hard to time your moves. That with the fast moving spiked that leave almost no space as a safe zone makes this game really hard. So you would think this is the hardest game on earth... right?

To discover the answer to this question we first have to go over what makes this game hard. First of all, the movement. There's a pretty harsh delay on stopping, about a 10th of a second. This also makes it hard to change directions quickly, a crucial skill in games such as these. Secondly, there's the spikes. In most games, spikes stay still, or at least float slowly. But in this game, the spikes rip through the air in deadly geometrical patterns.

The key to the game is understanding these patterns and effectively predicting where the spikes are going to be next so you can dodge the spikes.

Despite all this, the game was not the hardest I've played. Sure it was hard, but some games are harder - not because of the difficult spikes or movement, but the overall feel of the game. For example, a game on Math playground was super hard because the tab scrolled whenever you moved, triggering anyone who knows anything about in-browser games. Some other games are mentally tough to stomach due to graphical glitches, slow frame rate, poor color choice, or a poorly designed difficulty curve.

So in conclusion, this game is not the hardest in the world. Although it is hard, the smooth graphics and finished facade make it easier to play than some other games. At least we now know how to make the hardest game in the world: a singular immovable square always pixels away from the finish line.

Watch this game being played below:

You can play this game here.

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