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Fancy Pants Adventures is the BEST GAME EVER

Writer's picture: DeveloperDanDeveloperDan

Updated: Nov 17, 2021

Earlier this week, Our production team officially voted Fancy Pants Adventures as best game ever!

Fancy pants adventures is a good game for a 60 minutes. It only has one world to play in, even though the world is called world one, implying that it has more than one world. However, this world is large and has many different side challenges, so it's about the equivalent of a world or two.

You can attempt to speed run the world if you like, as it is simple to speed-run and there is a very clear way to get the fastest run.

You play by using the arrows on your keyboard. To jump you have to press "s." To open the doors press the up arrow and to duck press the down arrow and press space to pause. You jump and land on things and that kills them. You can pick up orbs that heals fancy pants. If you die, you re-spawn where you last opened a door. There are spiders in the game. If you touch the spiders, Fancy Pants is hurt and his health will diminish. If you die four times, you go to a screen that says you killed a fancy pants, and then you have to restart the world.

At the end of World 1, there is a boss fight. Fancy Pants enters the boss fight by falling down into a pit. He lands on the Penguin and wakes the Penguin up. The Penguin will charge at Fancy pants, so you have to dodge him by jumping. The Penguin will get stuck in the wall, and then you have to jump on him. If you jump on him three times you beat the game and win!!!

Fancy Pants is it is an interesting game, and I would recommend it if you like open world games. We would love to hear what you think about the game, as it would make our posts more accurate to have more opinions on the matter.

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Nov 18, 2021



William Cihula
William Cihula
Nov 09, 2021


William Cihula
William Cihula
Nov 09, 2021

Nov 09, 2021
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Great GIF thanks for reading my review!


David Blankenship
David Blankenship
Nov 09, 2021

great post

Nov 09, 2021
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